Special Adviser
Minoru Hayashi

Born in 1945, "creation" has been Hayashi's lifetime interest. Having enjoyed plastic models, radio-controlled cars, audio equipments and motorcycles, Hayashi has been enthusiastic in cars since the age of 16. Unlike usual boys, Hayashi was interested in creating cars but not in looking at or driving cars. In the spring when he was 19, Hayashi met Tojiro Ukiya at Suzuka Circuit, and was asked to convert a Honda S600 into a racecar. The car won its debut race. After the sensational debut, Hayashi continued creating racecars as sort of a hobby, but in 1975, he founded Dome and turned his hobby into a business. There are both positive and negative opinions on Dome's achievements as a company, but it is certainly a miracle that Dome has survived as a racecar constructor, whose business is usually very unstable financially , even though Hayashi's business policy is too unusual: "work on only what I want to", "never do what the others can do", "accept a work if the customer wants us to do" and "never accept a work if the customer does not care who does it", In September 2012, Hayashi stepped down from the President of Dome and his sworn friend with business acumen, Fushida, has taken over the position so Dome will grow as a profitable company. Hayashi has instead concentrated on managing design team as a special advisor.